Here you will find two lists to help you find the important sewing supplies for beginners.
First we will start with the absolute NEEDS for beginners…then follow up with a few WANTS that you will enjoy having if you already have all the basics.
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Sewing Machine Recommendations:
Sewing Machine – I recommend making sure the sewing machine allows the bobbin to load from the top not from the front.
For a full, in depth look at sewing machines I recommend checking out my sewing machine post here.

But for a quick review, these are the beginner sewing machines I recommend:
- For Heavy Duty Sewing & Bag Making: Heavy Duty Singer Sewing Machine.
- For Hobby and Quilting: Brother Sewing Machine.
- Garment Sewing: Either one of the above recommended machines would work great. The Heavy Duty Machine will power through thicker fabric but the Brother Machine comes with a lot more accessories.
DO NOT BUY this sewing machine….it will not allow you to sew anything of worth. It will just make you hate sewing.

NEEDED Sewing Supplies for Beginners:
- Sewing Stiletto: This is a MUST for beginners, it will keep your fingers safe from the sewing needle.
- Extra Sewing Machine Needles: Use the correct needle for the correct fabric. If you are starting out I would purchase some Universal Needles and some Jean Needles.
- Soft Tape Measure: This flexible measuring tape is incredibly useful.
- Sewing Gauge: I use this little measuring tool in every one of my projects.
- Seam Ripper: Get one that fits in your hand nicely.
- Pins: Make sure the pins you purchase have heat resistant heads.
- Iron & Ironing Board: Basics in this catagory are just fine. You can even get a mini ironing board if your space is small.
- Extra Bobbins: Make sure you use the correct bobbin for your machine. Plastic Bobbins are often used in newer machines and metal bobbins are used in older machines.
- One Marking Tool: There are so many options! I recommend this water soluble marker or this heat erasable frixion pen. A marking pencil can work but they are not my fav, and chalk works too but I find it messy.
- Fabric Scissors: This is where you want to spend your money, don’t go cheap on this item! I recommend Gingher Scissors. But if you really need a budget option, I recommend Kai Scissors.
- Dusting Kit: Use this dusting kit to keep your sewing machine free of lint.
- Surge Protector: If you have a sewing machine with any computer components you MUST use a surge protector. Trust me…..

Sewing WANTS after you have the NEEDS:
These items are ever so helpful when you are sewing but shouldn’t be purchased until after you have gathered everything in the “needs” Category first.
- Self Healing Cutting Matt, a good size to start with is an 18″ by 24″ Cutting Matt, but if you know you will be sewing for a long time then you may want to invest in a larger one like the 24″ by 36″ Cutting Matt.
- Rotary Cutter (I like the Fiskars kind, others like Olfa.)
- Ruler (6″ by 24″) I like this Olfa Ruler one If you are into quilting you may want to get a 6.5″ by 24.5″ Ruler by Creative Grids you can get this ruler in a left or right handed print..
- Quality Pinking Shears
- Clips – these are my alllllll time favorite sewing notion!
- 1/4″ Sewing Foot
- Turning Tools: Start with this Sewing Loop Kit, later add this EZ Point and Turner.
- Bodkin
- Small Snips, I keep these by my sewing machine.
- Small Tweezers
- Magnetic Pin Cushion
- Thread Cutter, If your sewing machine doesn’t have one attached then this can be very helpful.
- Bobbin Holder
- Snaps Tool – for more information regarding snaps tool check out my full Snaps Tools review here.
In THIS VIDEO I share my opinions regarding all these recommended sewing supplies.

Beginner Sewing Projects you will Enjoy Making:
I hope you found this post helpful, and Happy Sewing!!