Make a Mario Kart Halloween Costume out of a Cardboard Box!

I don’t know why but I LOVE building things out of cardboard! This is a Mario Kart Halloween Costume that I built out of a cardboard box.
Sadly this is the only picture I took of the Mario Kart Costume before I painted it. This was before I had a blog.
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I hope you can see in the above picture that I cut out a hole in the top and used the circle to make a windshield and seat back.
The bottom of the box was cut out completely and I used those scraps to create the wings and the front bumper & licence plate. Everything was taped together with packing tape or glued on with a hot glue gun.
Before I glued the wheels on I took the frame outside and spray painted it with red paint. It took a whole can to cover the cardboard as it kept soaking up the paint.

Once it was dry I brought it back inside and used black hockey tape to add details.
Yoshi/Mario Halloween Costume for Kids
Everything that is white on the Mario Kart Halloween Costume is white poster board cut and glued on. Then I added a few more details with red, black & yellow Sharpies.

Lastly this Mario Kart Costume needed shoulder straps. I took a fabric grocery bag that had long handles and cut the handles off. Then used hot glue to add them onto the Kart. I did cross the straps at the back so they would stay put while my son wore this.
PS. This Mario Kart Costume was so well made it survived more than one Halloween!
Super Mario Brothers Mario Costume
The Mario costume I purchased came with a stick on mustache that ended up on the front of the Mario Kart as my son hated wearing it. So I just face painted a mustache on. It made things much more comfortable for my little man.

He was so proud of this Mario Kart Halloween costume and loved parading it around at his pre-school Halloween party.

My boy managed to wear it for about half of his Trick or Treat adventure before it became to much for a little guy going up and down stairs holding his treat bag. So then we carried it for him.

Well that’s that! Please share this post by pinning the below picture:

Happy Crafting and Happy Halloween!!