“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.”
Ecclesiastes 9:10

Hello! I am Tamara and I love all things Fabric, Quilts, and Sewing.
For as long as I can remember I have always been creating something. As a young girl I watched my grandmother constantly making new things, from knitting, to scrapbooking to painting, she was always making something new. I loved to visit her and take a sneak a peek into her craft room just to see what new creations she was working on.
I also attended a girls group called Calvinettes where we did a bible study and made a craft each time. And that group introduced me to so many different ways to create with my hands.
As I got older I tried lots of handmade projects (scrapbooking, crochet, card making, woodworking, small home decor projects, sewing, quilting) and ended up landing on sewing as my go to hobby.

I get so much joy out of looking around my home and seeing the things I have made. From Coffee tables to Rag Quilts, creating these things is what brings me joy.
Thus, I have called my blog Tamara’s Joy!
I also get a lot of joy in sharing and teaching simple projects. I do this weekly through my YouTube channel (The above rag quilt pillow is one of my youtube tutorials).
As a wife and mother my life is jam packed with all that comes along with family life. But I try to sneak in as much sewing as I can.

Hmmm….let me see…what else can I tell you…I have two boys that were blessed to my husband and I through adoption, I am Canadian, I recently entered my 40’s (which my boys love to remind me of), and most of all I am a Christian.
That pretty much sums me up!

I hope this site gives you some guidance as to where to start when it comes to figuring out sewing and what is needed vrs what is just super cool and one day may be a fun buy 😉 I appreciate your purchases through my links as they bring me a small commission at no cost to you. The support allows me to continue to make free sewing tutorials for you!
Happy Sewing!
Hope to see you again, God Bless You!
XOXO Tamara’s Joy